Casting Impact Hammer
Devices to separate castings from their gating systems When a support point between the feeder and the piece is not available
For over 30 years PRIMAFOND has researched and produced devices for the removal of feeders from ductile iron and manganese steel castings, with the well known ‘SMAT’ hydraulic wedge feeder breakers.
When a support point between the feeder and the piece is not available (essential for the wedge-system), an ‘impact breaker’ is necessary to separate castings from their gating systems.
Primafond designs and manufactures this useful tool, which will simplify production and optimise on safety in many foundries.
Primafond manufactures tailor-made machines with dimensions and characteristics
suitable to meet the customer’s requirements.
C.f. e P.i. 02160640245
REA n° 210595 Vicenza
Cap. Soc. Euro 60.000

viale del Lavoro 36/38
36016 Thiene (VI) - Italy
tel. +39 0445 361.759